Safety is always important, especially in the Adult section of the Internet.
Modding is made both as easy and as safe as possible by only using Textfiles, Folders and Zip-Files, since all of them cannot contain a virus.
Pictures however can be crafted to contain a virus. There is also the slight possibility that a virus attaches itself during the download.
Downloading Mods:
Make sure that whatever you are going to click on is actually the file it pretends to be:
For Zip-Files, check for the Filetype "WinRAR-Archive/Archive/Zip" and the extention ".rar"/".zip".
For Textfiles, check for the Filetype "Textfile/Document" and the extention ".txt".
For Folders, check for the Filetype "Folder" and no extention.
Always test whatever file you downloaded before you do anything with it. Better safe then sorry.
Uploading Mods:
Only Textfiles, Folders, Pictures (.png) and Zip-Files (.zip/.rar) are allowed. Any mod that has files different to those, is going to get removed. Someone claiming to own someone elses Mod is scolded, the post deleted and banned from the forum if it repeats. For Modpacks and/or collabs, ask every modder involved for permisson.
Happy modding!