These Downloads contain +18 Content, which you are no allowed to download, watch, spread
or play if you are not of legal age.
The Original Game, version from 2013.07.01, Flash-Files, split into 2 Parts.
Also there is another Version of the original Game, that includes "Woodie's Wooden Treasures"-Mod.
It is provided by KaiSakurai via a Mediafire-Link.
See "Method 4" for that before you follow this link to download it:
-> Some form of Unziper required (7-Zip/WinRar) to unpack.
-> Flash Projector Content Debugger needed (see below or google for "how to run flashfiles")
-> To play, you want to go to "otherworld-01.07.2013\Otherworld\otherworldgame-code\otherworld" and run "Otherworld.swf" or "Otherworld.exe" if you have KaiSakurai's version.
All Versions of Otherwolrd New Dawn, sorted by version from newest to oldest.
To get an idea what the versions have to offer, click here to view the full list of changes/Patchnotes.
-> Some form of Unziper required (7-Zip/WinRar) to unpack.
-> To play, you want to unzip, open the folder(s) and run "Otherwolrd New Dawn <version>.exe".
If you download the original Game from above, you will run into an issue.
The Game will not start (or only once).
How to fix this:
Method 1: "Load the Flash-File not as Flash-File"
Get yourself an standalone Flashplayer from the Adobe website. You need the "projector content debugger". Drag it to your desired location. You dont need to install anything.
Rightclick "Otherworld.swf" (otherworld-01.07.2013\otherworldgame-code\otherworld) and choose "open with custom program". Navigate over to and choose the standalone flashplayer. If the Game starts normally - you are very lucky and can skip all following steps.
The game should be nothing but a blank window. Now, click on "File - Open" on the menubar at the top-left, click "browse/search" on the popup, navigate to the "Otherworld.swf" and select it - do NOT open it yet. If you have, restart from Step 3.
Notice how Flash tries to open it as an "Flash-Movie" and oviously fails. Change the filetype to "Any/All Files" (* . *) and click OK/Confirm. Now, back at the Flashplayer's popup-window, click OK.
Method 2: "Drag & Drop"
Follow Step 1 of the first Method.
Open any "broken" flash-File (.swf) or the Content Debugger directly - we need its blank window.
Open the Game's folder and navigate to the "Otherworld.swf"-File.
Drag & Drop the File into the grey screen of the Debugger.
Method 3: (doesnt work for me)
Found out by Bildegard over at the Comments-Section (now archived)
Follow Step 1 of the first Method.
Create a new Shortcut (Windows: rightclick -> new shortcut).
Type in (or copy pase) the Path to your Content-Debugger in quotation-marks (eg.: "C:\flashplayer _32_sa_debug.exe") and add a SPACE after the ""-Marks.
Now add the path to the Game-file without Quotations-Marks (eg.: C:\otherworld\Otherworld.swf)
Create the shortcut. There is no "garantee" that this works, and for me it results in nothing. Full example: ("C:\flashplayer_32_sa_debug.exe" C:\otherworld\Otherworld.swf)
Method 4: "Bypass everything"
Provided by KaiSakurai over at the Comments-Section (now archived)
Check if your Antivirus is up-to-date and running
Follow the Mediafire-Link he/she shared over at the Comment-section of this Website. Make sure to know what you'r clicking on, some of the "Download" buttons are fake and will give you viruses.
Let your antivirus test the downloaded File - maybe "something attached itself".
Unzip and drag to the desired Location. If you start the .swf-File, you will run into the same problem you are trying to fix.
Start the "Otherworld.exe" File.
I will not give any guarrantee or something for this file, since it is hosted on MediaFire by KaiSakurai.​
Unfortuanally, you have to do most of these Methods every single time you load an Flash-Game.
The Debugger is started with an attribute called "-relaunched" wich causes this problem.
I have no idea on how to tell the Flashplayer to NOT do this or change its attributes.