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What the Project aims to do:


We are trying to create a worthy Game in the "Otherworld Universe", that either takes place before or after the Original Game.

But oviously, We are not gonna copy the entire old game and slap our names on it. Several Things will be different:



The Story

While Otherworld actually had a story (wiki-link), it was very vague, not that fitting and (as far as we know) never important or mentioned within the game. Therefore, we are going for a new, hopefully better and more fitting Story with a few loosely based overlappings. The setting will have a more Medival/Fantasy touch.


The Gameplay

For most parts, it will stay the same. It is the essence and concept of Otherworld we want to capture and recreate, and most things and mechanics wont change to drastically or not at all. Oviously, there will be more things to do and explore, eg. Encounters, Events, NPC interactions, the revival of Otherworlds planned Combat and many many more. But also, a lot of things will be done differently or removed entirely.



While Otherworld actually offered the option to mod-in Girls and a handfull of other things, the process was not that great or easy to understand - besides beeing "hidden" within the game's many classes in some place in some folder. Maybe you could modify the game more if you knew how to program in Flash, but it was just not ideal.

We'r gonna do it differently. Entirely.

Large portions of the Game will be moddable, often even created from the getgo with modding in mind, to allow you to costomize your very own Other-World.

Furthermore, there will be a section on the Website dedicated for modding up- and downloads, aswell as very detailled Modding-Documentations for every moddable Aspect, together with examples! Modding will be done only using Textfiles (.txt) and any texteditor. (As a byproduct, raw textfiles, folders and .zip-Archives can't even contain viruses - but still check everything just in case and read the Modding-Safety-Article.)


Programming with You

Not litterally, but we listen to all of your feedback and suggestions, to create the best Otherworld New Dawn-Experience we can, together with all the old Game's fans and new ones!

But if you think you have what it takes and want to help with the game and become a part of the Team, there is a Applictaion Form here. Every skill is welcome.

You can also become a Patreon and help the game financially. Patreons' Votes in polls have more weight, you get Updates before everybody else and access to exclusive posts. Check it out here.

What We cannot do:


We As stated above, We cannot - and will not - copy-paste the old game into 2022.


The Girls

Not only has the taste in Anime Waifus probbaly changed, the old game contained hundrets of pictures pulled from the Internet, maybe even without asking for permission. Even most of the NPCs are affected.

Instead of trying to find each and every Artist and ask for permission for pictures that neither fit to eachother in artstyle nor the current look of the game or Girl, we dont have and use any at the moment (as of June of 2022 / Update v0.3.M). We have to think about a good alternative and/or craft our own - but for the time beeing, you can use our Girl-Modder to get the old ones - or any pictures you like.


Change in Artstyle

The old Graphics didn't age that well, some worse than others. Besides the need for more bodyparts, especially male bodyparts, and the massive void of Girl related Action-Pictures, we also need a few more backgrounds for our new locations, buttons and other stuff. We aim to keep the same vibe the Original had, but it will look different in many places.


Change in Content

There are way to many items, places and options in the original game that serve no to very little porpose, are bugged or unfinished, or are overcomplicated - so the new game will be different in many ways and not include everything from the original. But it will offer new content for you to do, use and explore.


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